We have a lot of people ask us about our catchy name, Rocket Surgeon Solutions. Well, we can’t all be Rocket Scientists nor Brain Surgeons, the good news is…we don’t have to be. You see, Rocket Surgeon Solutions works to simplify the seemingly complex world of sales and business by providing profitable growth strategies that are easy to understand and implement.

At Rocket Surgeon Solutions, we believe freedom is having the ability to do what you want, when you want, with who you want. Not only is this important to have in our own lives, but we believe our clients should have that same choice.

A letter from our founder, “When I first started in sales more than a decade ago, I knew their was something wrong with the way I was asked to communicate with my leads or prospects. Normal sales techniques and strategies neglect human connection at its most fundamental level and it’s something I’ve never been able to accept. Early in my career, managers would push, “Make more calls, set more appointments, close more deals.” It wasn’t until 2014 when I really started to look at my core beliefs and the values I would deliberately bring to the buying experience. You see, a company is built on the relationships it cultivates…and…when those relationships are neglected, profits are lost.” – Robert A. Posey

Founded on character and integrity, we believe that the customer’s buying experience should reflect the deepest levels of human connection…Don’t forget, the money is in the back-end.

Your sales process may be struggling or just in need of a fresh perspective, in either case, Rocket Surgeon Solutions and its partners work with companies and business owners like yourself to provide expertise in sales, relationship building, and growth strategy.

Pre-Flight Check Up

Before we can work together, it is imperative that we go through a Pre-Flight Check Up. Each business has its own unique set of goals as well as challenges. During our Pre-Flight Check Up, we will be asking a lot of questions to really dig into the inner workings of your business in order to determine how best to compliment your current efforts, and even add some new strategies to help your business reach sales and growth goals. Once we have the answers we need, we will determine whether or not Rocket Surgeon Solutions is a good match to serve you, our customer. The check up is completely risk free, and by the end of it you will have a better knowledge and direction for your business.

Fueling Your Rocket

Your business is your “rocket,” and sales are your “fuel.” If you plan to shoot for the stars, you need to make sure your “rocket” is operating at it’s maximum potential. Our sales team will go to work for you, and here’s the kicker…once your strategy is in place, you don’t pay us a dime unless we perform. We will use our knowledge and expertise to create, implement, and execute winning sales strategies for your company. Over the past ten years, Robert, the creator of Rocket Surgeon Solutions, has worked with a number of businesses across more than 9 different industries. During that time he built a top notch team of experts to aid in the various areas of sales including pre-indoctrination, qualification, automation, relationships, and closing deals.  Once you’ve been through your PreFlight Check Up, we will determine a plan to fuel your business to the next level. Or the stars…whichever you prefer!

Building Your Flight Deck

Let’s talk about your flight deck. This is the foundation in which your “rocket” or business is going to launch from. It’s the platform that supports your current and future sales efforts. This foundation is what sets you apart from the small fish. Knowing your numbers is the only way to grow them, in order for a sales team to perform to the best of its ability, we have to track specific KPI’s. Your “flight deck” is where we make that happen.

After searching galaxies far and wide, Rocket Surgeon Solutions has found it easiest to use our own systems and automation professionals. These amazing professionals will create the systems to support your sales strategies, whether we need to integrate a CRM, track lead quality, measure performance, or automate the follow-up process, these men and women will make it happen. This aspect of your business can be a real headache, so we’ve taken that weight off your shoulders. Once we’ve determined which sales strategy, service, or system is right for your business needs, we will work with you and one of our experts to make this a hassle free experience.

Astronaut Training - Coming Soon!

Your “rocket” is not going to fly itself and that is where our training area comes in. If you aren’t quite ready to hire our team to get your business going, you can always look through our course packages and see if you can find something that solves your issues. These courses have been created with some of the best minds in sales, marketing, leadership, and business and you WILL learn a lot from them. Please keep in mind as you register for a class, download a workbook, or watch a training video, we are here for you 100% of the way. If ever you find yourself wondering how to use the material in your own business, you can always reach out using our contact form to ask any questions you might have that are specific to your own business. Coming Soon.


A strategy we’ve used with previous clients is to be extremely clear with your prospect about what they can expect from you and your product or service. Well, we also practice what we preach. Below you’ll find some of the most common questions we’re asked followed by our best answers. If you have a question that hasn’t already been answered, please feel free to use the form at the bottom of the page to send us an email, or you can call us during normal business hours by dialing (470)207-5050.

Q: How do I know Rocket Surgeon Solutions can do what I need?

You don’t know! We have a wide range of skills we do inhouse, and for everything else, we know a guy or gal that can take care of you. Over the past decade, we’ve developed relationships with some of the world’s leading service professionals. From A to Z, we do everything from strategy and sales coaching, marketing and advertising, development and design, social media management and PPC advertising to blogging, opt-ins and autoresponders. If we don’t think we can handle your project, we will gladly introduce you to someone who can.

Q: I’ve never worked with Rocket Surgeon Solutions before, how do I know I’m spending my money wisely?

A: Look around, we practice what we preach. We pride ourselves in that fact. Everything from our web design to our own operating processes is systemized, tracked, and optimized on a regular basis. The same effort we put into our own work is carried over to our clients.

Q: How do I know that Rocket Surgeon Solutions will meet deadlines and stay on task?

Before we ever take on a client, one of the first things we do is to set measureable goals. You see, setting milestones allows us to plan for a specific amount of time to complete the tasks leading to the completion of our goals.

Q: My business is different, how do I know you can help me?

Each business has its own unique concerns. Part of our job here at Rocket Surgeon Solutions is to listen. We like to ask a lot of questions early on so that we can ensure a good match.

Q: I have been looking at implementing a few of my own ideas, can Rocket Surgeon Solutions help?

A: A large part of what we do, is to consult with business owners to further develop some of their current strategies. Sometimes a business can be on the right track, but a single weak link can cause a marketing or advertising strategy to crumble. We want to learn as much about your company as possible, so that we can earn you a quick return on investment. Guess what!? No one knows your business as well as you, for that reason, we welcome your thoughts and involvement in our strategic development process.

Q: How do I know Rocket Surgeon Solutions will know my company well enough to be effective?

A: This is another one of those questions that you really won’t know until we’ve spoken. Each customer is taken through a pretty in depth questionnaire prior to any working agreements. It is during this time that we will decide whether or not we are a good fit. Our reputation is extremely important to us and that reputation is built on results. If we don’t think we can produce the results for your business, we will be the first to let you know. At which point, we will be happy to introduce you to someone who can. For that matter, even if you just need help finding someone with a specific area of expertise, give us a call. We’ll point you in the right direction.

Q: Do you have any references I can speak with before we begin working together?

Absolutely, for the sake of privacy, we keep our references information private. If you’d like to speak with some of our previous clients, give us a call by dialing (470)207-5050. We have a few people who have given us permission to share their contact information for this reason.

Q: Can you share some of your successes with me? I’d really like to know a little bit more about what you’ve done for your clients.

A: Yes, we can! This again is a private matter, so if you’d like to learn more about our track record, please reach out. We are happy to share any information we can. Choosing the right company to help you take your business to the next level can be a daunting task. There are a lot of ebook gurus out there muddying the waters for the rest of us. Our best advice is to give us a call or schedule a time to chat. We want to learn about you and your business. After that, you’ll be better equipped to make an educated decision.

I wanted to give Rocket Surgeon Solutions a full six months before writing a review. Well, here we are at 4.5 months and they have more than surpassed my expectations. So far, we have successfully managed to increase my revenue by 7.5% each month and it keeps on going. The systems which have been put in place leave room for limitless growth potential. So much so, that we are considering expanding into a franchise model in the near future. If you have doubt in your mind like I did, save yourself the trouble and bite the bullet. I wake up every morning grateful for the decision to bring Rocket Surgeon Solutions on board.

David Samaha

Owner, Diesel David, Inc.

They are a company with a passion for sales that goes beyond simple conversion and retention stats. They have taught me, in my time working with them, that the true essence of sales is the connection and relationship you form, and maintain, with the customer. It is this genuine connection and care that sets Rocket Surgeon Solutions apart in skill and performance from all other companies I’ve worked with. Rocket Surgeon Solutions’ authenticity as a company and as professionals blurs the barrier between business and friend, in a way that makes the sale an emotional, and gratifying experience time and time again. The consultation has given me clarity in purpose and in speech, when dealing with customers and clients. Which, has allowed me to not only sell my products and services at prices beyond my expectations, but also develop a natural confidence in what I do and sell, that I know would not be possible without their aid. Put simply: hire Rocket Surgeon Solutions to take your business to the next level now, or spend the rest of your days wondering why you aren’t getting the results you desire…

Colton Swabb

Copy writer and Owner, List Liberation

I first met with Rocket Surgeon Solutions in April of 2014 when they began working with two of our Anytime Fitness locations. From the start I could tell they were very organized and knew how to approach any problem. Rocket Surgeon Solutions was able to aid in the success and improvement of our Fitness Consultations and offer lots of insight on how to better our sales systems. One area was with our old presentation book we used to explain our services and pitch our personal training packages to would be clients. Rocket Surgeon Solutions played a key role in the production of our newer, more modern version of this sales system. When it was finished, the product performed just as well as they said it would by converting the first 14 out of 14 prospects into paying clients. Even now, it still converts at a very high percentage. Rocket Surgeon Solutions has a very sharp team with a lot of valuable insight in marketing and sales. I look forward to future business ventures.

Michael Hamlin

Owner, Transition Training, LLC

I hired Rocket Surgeon Solutions at a time when I felt my business had hit rock bottom financially. Yes, I had a great product and service, but we truly lacked an effective eCommerce marketing plan and online presence. Rocket Surgeon Solutions worked with me to show me not only how to improve my marketing plan, but more importantly, how to generate the revenue I needed in order to get my business to take off and to reach – and help – more clients and customers. In an age when every digital marketing consultant/agency wants to make a fast buck off of little service, Rocket Surgeon Solutions is truly a breath of fresh air. If your business is stuck and you don’t know how to make the breakthroughs that you need in order to start making real money, you must hire them.

Liz Michael

Owner, Moder8Now, LLC and Second Chance Health and Wellness, LLC

Do you have a question you’d like to ask? Use the form below to ask us a question. Or if you prefer.
You can give us a shout at 470-207-5050.

  • Depending on the urgency of your question, we may decide a call is best suited for our response. Let us know what number is best to reach you.
  • Email will be our primary means of communication. Tell us which email address you prefer to contacted though and we will be sure to send all of your mail there.
  • If you have a website, let us know here.
  • If you have a question you'd like to ask, feel free, we are here to help.
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